October 2024 Round-Up Here is a collection of written articles, news, and videos that I found throughout the month of October which I think might be of interest to you...
Episode 17: Summer 2024: Abandoned Episode + Vaporwave History This episode was almost abandoned but we’ve resurrected its remains and patched it up for your listening pleasure. We’re discussing recent news and events, reviewing our pick for Album of the Summer, and a history segment about the origins of Mallsoft.
Show Review: Yoi Toki Single Release Party (feat. Macross 82-99) at the Teragram Ballroom, Los Angeles To celebrate the release of the new single "Yoi Toki", the eponymous party brought Macross to LA for a night of Future Funk and dance music. Check out our review of the show and photos by Augnos!
Best Future Funk of 2023 DJ Mix We have a special summer treat for our fans and friends.. it's a DJ mix from your host TrucksPassingTrucks featuring the Best Future Funk of 2023!
Vapor History: REDEFINING THE WORKPLACE by INTERNET CLUB (April 21st, 2012) For our Vaporwave History segment, we’re revisiting a seminal 2012 album that was the apotheosis of artistic, critical, and philosophical interpretations of early vaporwave...
Featured Releases: Entrana & Cyber Surfer 3D + Dan Mason's New Single We covered two new tracks from active artists in the vaporsphere- one is a collaboration by up-and-coming producers, while the other is from an innovative veteran of the scene...
Episode 16: April & Early March 2024 - News & Reviews + Vaporwave History It’s been one year since the podcast started but we’re not spending time reminiscing. We’re discussing current news, tons of recent releases, and a Vaporwave history segment about an album from 2012...