Episode 1: Early May 2023 - Bandcamp Friday + Labels Leaving Bandcamp?

This is Episode 1, covering the first two weeks of May 2023 and featuring a discussion about Bandcamp Friday and Labels moving their online storefronts off of Bandcamp. We also covered three releases for our Vapor History segment..

Episode 1: Early May 2023 - Bandcamp Friday + Labels Leaving Bandcamp?

This is Episode 1, covering the first two weeks of May 2023 and featuring a discussion about Bandcamp Friday and Labels moving their online storefronts off of Bandcamp. We conducted interviews with multiple label owners (including Aloe City, Cityman Productions, Coraspect and Business Casual) for our main segment and covered three different releases for our Vaporwave History segment!

Content Log:

0:00 - Intro/Statement of Purpose

2:25 - Welcome, Host Update

4:43 - News/Recap of The Week(s)

7:28 - Upcoming Events and Shows (URL & IRL)

11:50 - Upcoming Releases

19:40 - Main Topic: Bandcamp Friday and Labels Leaving Bandcamp?

38:15 - This Week In Vaporwave History!

42:42 - Outro

Thanks to Toni from Cityman Productions, Christian from Aloe City Wrld, Alan from Coraspect Records and John from Business Casual for sending in responses for our Main Topic this week. Thanks to our consultants in the scene for feedback on the show and our format. Our logo was inspired by V-SPAN and our work is dedicated to past Vaporwave media sites like Sunbleached, Private Suite, Tiny Mixtapes, and other podcasts that came before us.

Thanks for listening and please subscribe on your platform of choice as well as rate/review the show if that is an option on your platform!

Upcoming Releases Featured:

  1. https://saintpepsi.bandcamp.com/album/cash-wednesday
  2. https://neggygemmy.bandcamp.com/album/cbd-reiki-moonbeam
  3. https://music.businesscasual.biz/album/anniversary-vol-10 // https://music.businesscasual.biz/album/bizcas10-ten-years-of-business-casual

Statement from Bandcamp (Ethan Diamond) about BC Friday in 2023:

This Week in Vaporwave History Links:

  1. https://computerdreams.bandcamp.com/album/midnight-television
  2. https://reverblite.bandcamp.com/album/b-sides
  3. https://espritfantasy.bandcamp.com/album/virtua-zip

Our Curated Spotify Playlists:

⭆ Contemporary Vaporwave

⭆ Fresh Future Funk

Social Media & Submission Forms:

 https://linktr.ee/vaporwavenewsnetwork (Submission Forms)



⭆ arcology.online/events