Vapor History: Laserdisc Visions - New Dreams Ltd (July 1st, 2011) & Blue Dream - Cat System Corp (June 14th, 2014) This Week In Vaporwave History for Episode 5 was a double header featuring Laserdisc Visions (aka Vektroid) and Cat System Corp!
Vapor History: Vaperror - Mana Pool (June 2nd, 2014) & Sewer Greats Vol. 1 Compilation (June 6th, 2011) This Week in Vaporwave History, we are covering two releases- one that is a well established classic and a formative compilation for vapor + internet music as a whole!
Vapor History: Teams - DYXS XFF (May 25th, 2011), Contact Lens - Ice In Tha Veins (May 21st, 2012) & Saint Pepsi - Hit Vibes (May 31st, 2013) We have three important releases for our Late May history segment! Some seapunk, early vaportrap and iconic future funk...
Vapor History: Midnight Television - Midnight Television EP (May 11th, 2011), REVERB LITE - B-SIDES (May 12th, 2013) & Esprit空想 - (May 7th, 2014) For the first Vaporwave History segment of our podcast, we started off with a triple-header covering the early years of the genre! Including albums from Midnight Television and George Clanton..